söndag 2 augusti 2009

The Black Dahlia

En film jag velat se ett bra tag är "Den svarta dahlian", och igårkväll gick den på tv. Den handlar om ett verklighetsbaserat mord i Hollywood på 40-talet, och om personerna som utreder det.

Själva filmen var inte riktigt så bra som jag trott, men att se Scarlett Johansen i perfekt 40/50-talslook räckte gott och väl!

(varför ser hon inte ut såhär jämt för!?)

Om ni vill se fler utsökta exempel, se filmen.

(men den var rätt kuslig!)

Imorgon åker jag till våran sommarstuga en natt, vi får se om det blir något bloggande under tiden. Annars får ni ha en trevlig måndag!

Last night I watched "The Black Dahlia", a movie I've wanted to see for a while.

It's about a true murder that took place in Hollywood in the 40's, and what happened to the people who investigated it.

The movie wasn't as good as I thought, but just to see Scarlet Johansen in perfect 40's/50's-look was enough!

(why doesen't she look like this all the time!?)

Tomorrow I'm going to our summerhouse again, and we'll see if I'll blog until I come back. Otherwise, have a nice start of the week!

Med vänliga hälsningar,


10 kommentarer:

Wicky sa...

Oh! Den har jag velat se länge, var den värd - rent cinematiskt? för övrigt var hatten så söt att jag skulle vilja smaka på den.

Malayka sa...

Wow she looks stunning! Love your blog by the way, wish I had such amazing style when I was your age.

Solanah sa...

I have wanted to see that as well, just for the costumes. Scarlet pulls off vintage very well, now I really want to see it!

Andi B. Goode sa...

I wish Scarlett looked like that all the time, too! She has the perfect face and figure for the look. That was pretty much all I liked about the film, too.
-Andi x

Stella Polaris sa...

I haven't seen the movie but the first picture is enough to make me want to rent it! The book by James Ellroy from which the movie is adapted is pretty amazing by the way, if you like crime novels.

Casey sa...

I saw this movie recently too, and felt it was a bit disappointing in the storyline (maybe I was expecting too much?), but I loved Scarlett's costumes!! She really is very suited to this look! :)

Erika sa...

It's a beautiful movie, in all aspects. Wonderful costumes, great scenery and nice filming. I was also a bit disappointed by the story the first time, I think we tend to expect something else story-wise from movies with vintage appearances. The second time I saw it I knew what to expect, and the story actually became better! So try just give it a second chance, you might be suprised.

Olivia sa...

SÅ otroligt vacker hon ser ut att vara i den stilen!! ja, hon borde verkligen se ut så jämt!

Daisyathome sa...

Jag tyckte också att filmen inte va så bra- lite lam handling och rätt kuslig- jag tyckte bäst om kläderna- älskar hela 'film noir' looken.. Tyckte också om Hillary Swanks kostymer- väldigt femme fatale!

Miss Cherry sa...

Det var ett tag sedan jag såg den filmen, kuslig är den, minns inte om jag tyckte den var dålig (?) Men ja, som alla andra redan tidigare sagt (!) Scarlet är fantsktiskt vacker i den filmen!!!